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Protections Apaisantes pour Cors 20PC

Diminue immédiatement la pression
Soulage la douleur
Coussinet anti-pression
Aide à éliminer les cors avec de l'acide salicylique


Hansaplast Pansements Cors

Hansaplast Pansements  Cors soulage immédiatement la douleur provoquée par la pression et les frottements et aide à éliminer les cors. Il possède un anneau de mousse qui apaise instantanément la douleur et la pression sur la zone concernée. L'acide salicylique se trouvant au centre de l'anneau ramollit la corne. Au bout de 4 jours, le cor peut être éliminé dans un bain chaud d'eau savonneuse ou salée.

Testé sous contrôle dermatologique
Compatibilité avec la peau testée sous contrôle dermatologique.


  1. Nettoyer soigneusement la zone à l'eau et au savon et bien sécher.
  2. Appliquer le pansement en veillant à ce que l'ouverture de l'anneau de mousse se trouve directement sur le cor. Au bout de 2 jours, renouveler le pansement. Au bout de 4 jours, la corne ramollie peut être éliminée dans un bain d'eau chaude savonneuse ou salée.
  3. Si nécessaire, renouveler le traitement.


Un pansement contient 0,04 g d'acide salicylique.

  • Ne pas utiliser en cas d'hypersensibilité à l'acide salicylique, aux salicylates, au caoutchouc, ni en cas de lésion ou de maladie de peau. Ne pas utiliser en cas de diabète ou de troubles de la circulation. Ne convient pas aux enfants.
  • En cas d'insuffisance rénale, demander conseil au médecin traitant.
  • Le pansement ne doit pas entrer en contact avec les muqueuses. Eviter en particulier tout contact avec les yeux. L'acide salicylique peut augmenter la perméabilité de la peau à d'autres médicaments utilisés localement. Des irritations localisées (brûlures ou rougeurs) peuvent apparaître dans de rares cas. Dans certains cas, des réactions cutanées allergiques peuvent se produire.
  • Ne pas utiliser plusieurs pansements en même temps et sur une longue période sans avis médical.
  • Conserver au sec et à une température inférieure à 25ºC.
  • Exclusivement pour usage externe.
  • Pour usage unique seulement.
  • Utiliser un nouveau pansement à chaque application pour obtenir l'effet décrit plus haut.

Taille du paquet

Produit  Type  Taille  Quantité
Produit: Pansements  Cors  Type: Package Size Image  Taille: 6,8 cm x 1,9 cm  Quantité: 8 Strips

Frequently Asked Questions (13)

  • 1. What is a corn and how do I get it?

    The skin is made up of several layers. The outer layer, the epidermis, acts as a protective barrier for the deeper, more sensitive layers of the skin.
    If the skin is exposed to permanent pressure and friction e.g. from ill-fitting shoes, it reacts by building up the outer layer, thus forming calloused skin. If the pressure persists, the calloused skin can form a corn with a hard core that reaches the deeper, sensitive skin structures and thus causes pain.
  • 2. What can I do to prevent corns?

    We ourselves can do a lot to keep our feet in a good condition, e.g. wearing well fitting shoes and add special care with special moisturising foot creams. Nevertheless, sore spots, corns and callous skin are a common problem. As a preventive measure we recommend Hansaplast Foot Expert Corn Protection Pads and Hansaplast Foot Expert Callous Protection Pads as soon as first signs are recognized. The soft and self-adhesive pads provide immediate pain relief and protect the sensitive areas of the feet against pressure and friction.
  • 3. How should I use Hansaplast Foot Expert Corn Plaster?

    Thoroughly clean and dry the affected area. Apply the plaster by placing the centre of the foam ring directly on the corn. Replace the plaster after 2 days.
    After 4 days, remove the now softened corn in a warm salt or soap bath.
    Treatment can be repeated, if necessary.
  • 4. How does salicylic acid work?

    The salicylic acid contained in the centre of the foam ring softens the callous skin of the corn. It acts by loosening the intercellular structure which holds together the cells of the corn. This leads to an increased hydration, which causes the corn to swell and soften, so it can be easily peeled of.
  • 5. How much salicylic acid is in the Hansaplast Foot Expert Corn Plaster?

    The Hansaplast Foot Expert Corn Plaster contains 0.04 g salicylic acid.
  • 6. For how long can I apply the Hansaplast Foot Expert Corn Plaster?

    It is recommended to apply the plaster for two days, to replace it and to apply a new plaster for another two days.
    This treatment can be repeated, if necessary.
    Usually the corn will then be softened and can be removed easily in a warm salt or soap bath.
  • 7. Can I apply the Hansaplast Foot Expert Corn Plaster also on hands?

    Most often the feet are affected by corns. Rarely a corn develops in other areas such as hands or fingers, e.g. in relation to mechanical strain and pressure.
    These corns can also be treated with the Hansaplast Foot Expert Corn Plaster according to the instructions for use.
  • 8. Why should I not use several Hansaplast Foot Expert Corn Plasters at the same time when having more than one corn?

    If you want to use several plasters over a longer period of time, we recommend to take medical advice in order to avoid the risk of increased absorption of salicylic acid.

  • 9. Why should I not use the Hansaplast Foot Expert Corn Plaster when suffering from diabetes?

    In general people suffering from diabetes have to take great care of their feet. It can be necessary to consult a podiatrist or doctor for advice on foot care.
    Diabetics are at risk to develop disturbed wound healing, infections or ulcerations. Thus they should avoid any risk to hurt their feet, e.g. when removing corns, trimming their nails or walking barefoot.
    Moreover diabetes is often accompanied by neuropathy, which may lead to an impaired sensibility and ability to experience pain.
  • 10. Can I also use the Hansaplast Foot Expert Corn Plaster if I react hypersensitive to rubber?

    No, you should not use the Hansaplast Foot Expert Corn Plaster, when you react hypersensitive to rubber, because the adhesive mass is rubber-based.
  • 11. Can I also use the Hansaplast Foot Expert Corn Plaster if I am pregnant?

    Principally, we recommend to consult your doctor when you want to use a medicinal product during pregnancy or if you have questions.
  • 12. Can the Hansaplast Foot Expert Corn Plaster be used by children?

    The Hansaplast Foot Expert Corn Plaster is not suitable for the treatment of infants.
    Without medical advice children should not use several plasters at the same time over a longer period of time.  In general children will not be affected by corns as corns are a typical disorder of the older age. Thus it is recommended to consult a doctor for diagnosis and to avoid a mix-up with other skin lesions such as warts.
  • 13. Can I use Hansaplast Foot Expert Corn Plaster to remove warts?

    No, the Hansaplast Foot Expert Corn Plaster is not indicated to be used for wart removal.

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